Thursday, April 24, 2008

Let's start a blogger's union

A blogger's union anyone?

I think it makes more sense if a bloggers union is formed.

It doesnt take much effort really to start one. Do we need an office? Not really. There are many bloggers and we can all easily divide simple tasks.

Marketing. What does Nuffnang do to attract advertisers? Spend 30k for one-day ad in STRAITS TIMES? NO!!! These days advertisers will come naturally to blogs because blogs have been proved to be a powerful media. Look at the Malaysian election! I dont think you need to do so much to get advertisers. What you need is a fax machine and blast to the ad agencies or potential advertisers like SingTel.

30% small? How do u know it's 30% in the first place? You think Nuffnang will disclose its exact figure? No way! They know that if they state so hig a figure, they'll risk their business and open a possibility of a blogger union. So I think, 30% is just BULLCRAP! It can be higher for all we know.

A blogger's union is more powerful than Nuffnang because we have a better sense of belonging and we are all friends who do not want to risk our shared credibility. We want to ensure ads are placed visibly and in return, we dont share 30-70% commissions to Nuffnang or others agency.
Not convinced? OK look. How much does it take to build a click-recording application plus websites etc? Less than $2000 to be honest with you.

Publicity? No problem. If bloggers unite newspapers will want to have a piece of the news. Talk about zero marketing dollars.

How much do Nuffnang get? And how much will the union gets? Companies like HP, Singtel, etc can spend 40k for one-day ad on ST. You think 30-50% is small so you can live with it? NOOO! It's not. If one year revenue is 5million, the union can get like 2 million. Thats why nuffnang can organize movie screening etc. There is money to be made.

Come on guys! Let's start a union.